Dermal Filler FAQs

How do dermal fillers work?

Dermal fillers have revolutionized the field of aesthetics, offering a non-surgical solution to restore lost volume and rejuvenate the face. Comprised of a gel-like substance, typically hyaluronic acid, dermal fillers are injected into specific areas to smooth lines, plump up sunken cheeks, and enhance facial contours. These versatile substances work by replenishing our own natural supply of hyaluronic acid, which diminishes with age, leading to sagging and hollowed facial features.

By effortlessly restoring volume, dermal fillers provide instant results, improving the appearance of wrinkles, folds, and scars. Moreover, their hyaluronic acid composition attracts water molecules, providing hydration and leaving the skin looking more supple and radiant. With minimal downtime and long-lasting effects, dermal fillers have become a popular choice for those seeking a subtle yet remarkable enhancement.

What brandname filler do you include in your services?

Raesthetics offers a family of fillers under Restylane® and Juvederm® brand.

How long do dermal fillers last?

Dermal fillers have a proven track record for long-lasting results, effectively restoring volume and reducing the signs of aging for extended periods of time.

Patients can expect results to typically last between four to six months. Results will vary with each patient. Please note: cosmetic fillers are long lasting, but not permanent. Longevity depends on the area(s) treated and the patients metabolism.

Will the dermal filler treatment hurt?

Many clients are worried that getting fillers will hurt or be uncomfortable, and this is a valid concern, but you can rest assured that your fillers should not hurt.

Most fillers come with lidocaine, a local anesthetic. Medical providers typically apply a numbing cream before injecting the filler.

Dermal fillers are administered using a very thin needle which, patients report, cause only a slight stinging sensation, not actual pain.

What can I expect post-treatment?

Treatment with filler can take 15 minutes to 60 minutes, depending on which area of your face is being treated. You will see results immediately/instantly. Depending on the treatment area, swelling and mild bruising can occur lasting anywhere from 2-14 days. Arnica, a topical cream, will be applied to minimize any bruising. Detailed post care instructions will be provided. It will take approximately 14 days for the hyaluronic acid to settle within the dermal layer of your skin.

We recommend to give yourself at least 4 weeks time before a major event or vacation prior to being injected with injectable fillers.

Who is the ideal candidate for injectable fillers?

Both men and women are equally good candidates for dermal fillers. Fillers are also incredibly effective for those who wish to only treat a specific area of the face.

Ideal candidates might also have one or more of the following concerns:

  • Thinning or sunken cheeks caused by a loss of volume

  • Thin or unevenly shaped lips

  • A receding chin

  • Deep nose to mouth lines

  • Lines around the mouth

How do I prepare for my dermal filler appointment?

  • Avoid taking aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Advil®, Motrin®, Nuprin®, Aleve®, Celebrex®, Fish oil, Gingko Biloba , St. John’s Wort and high doses of vitamin E for at least 7-10 days before your appointment, unless medically necessary.

  • If you are taking prescription blood thinners such as Coumadin or Plavix, you should check with the prescribing doctor to see if you are able to stop these medicines for 7-10 days before your appointment and at least 2 days after the procedure has been done.

  • If you have any history of Herpes Simplex (cold sores) on your face, make sure you inform the doctor that you have made your appointment with, one week prior to your appointment; this will allow us adequate time to prescribe a medication to prevent an outbreak.

  • Avoid dental procedures (including cleaning) 2 weeks pre filler and 2 weeks post filler

  • Come to your appointment with a clean face. **This means NO MAKEUP or MOISTURIZER**

  • Eat a small meal or a snack before your appointment.

  • Bruising and swelling will be worse for the first 24-48 hours after you receive your dermal filler injections. Refrain from exercising for the remainder of the day following your injection(s). You may want to refrain from going to any special events during this time.

Botox | Dysport FAQs

What is Botox® | Dysport® and how does it work?

Dysport® and Botox® is a prescription injection administered by a licensed healthcare professional for temporary improvement in the look of moderate to severe frown lines (those wrinkles between the eyebrows) in adults less than 65 years of age. 

Medically, it’s a botulinum neurotoxin (abobotulinumtoxinA), an acetylcholine release inhibitor and a neuromuscular blocking agent. It temporarily prevents specific muscle movements that cause frown lines.

When injected into the facial muscle, Dysport® and Botox® temporarily paralyzes the muscle blocking its ability to contract. This contraction paralysis causes the pull of the underlying facial muscles to relax, causing the wrinkle to soften and flatten, revealing a smooth unwrinkled appearance.

Is it safe?

Yes, Dysport® and Botox® is completely safe for wrinkle reduction and prevention. Raesthetics offers injections by experienced, licensed practitioners.

Is a follow-up appointment required?

The effects from Dysport® and Botox® will last three to six months. As muscle action gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles begin to reappear and will need to be treated again. It usually takes two or three injections each year to maintain the smooth, youthful appearance that is desired. Clinical studies suggest that after several rounds of treatment, the patient may require injections less often.

Are there any side effects to Botox® | Dysport®?

The most common possible side effects are nose and throat irritation, headache, injection site pain, injection site skin reaction, upper respiratory tract infection, eyelid swelling, eyelid drooping, sinus inflammation, and nausea.

For a full list, please visit: Dysport USA or Botox FAQ

Is there any downtime associated with post-treatment?

There is minimal downtime after Dysport® and Botox® injections. You may have pin point injection site redness and or pin point bruising which typically resolves within 24-72 hours. You can return to you everyday activities after your treatment but be aware you are not to exercise for 24 hours after or lay flat for 4 hours after your treatment.

When do results occur and how long do they last?

Full results may take up to 2 weeks. Most patients begin to notice results after 5 days. The effects from Dysport® and Botox® typically will last three to six months. Results may vary per patient.

How should I prepare for my appointment?

No aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, Vitamin E, or fish oil. It is best to avoid certain medications prior to receiving Dysport® or Botox® The reason is the medications can increase the chance of bruising and bleeding when you are injected with the medicine.

Microneedling FAQs

Why use the Exceed™ Medical Microneedling Device?1,2 

Candela’s Exceed™ medical microneedling system is one of the most versatile devices on the market. It is the first FDA cleared, dual-indicated medical microneedling device offering minimally invasive and clinically proven outcomes. Microneedling, also known as percutaneous collagen induction (PCI) or collagen induction therapy (CIT), is a minimally  invasive skin perfecting procedure. Microneedles create tiny punctures in the skin which promotes a collagen stimulating healing process. This collagen induction improves the skin by reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles and  facial acne scars. 

The Exceed system is engineered to deliver persistent power and speed with up to 900 total needle penetrations per  second. The patented 6-needle tilting plate within the cartridge, adapts to the skin’s surface and can penetrate up to  1.5mm into the dermis. This provides individualized treatment solutions to repair and restore skin, naturally.  

Who is the ideal patient? 1-3 

Treatment with the Exceed system is customizable and minimally invasive, suitable for healthy men and women to treat  the appearance of facial wrinkles and facial acne scars. In only 4 treatments, 90% of patients saw an improvement in  facial wrinkles and 86% of patients showed significant improvement in their facial acne scars. The treatment is well tolerated with minimal pain, discomfort or downtime, all in under an hour.  

What must I do to prepare for treatment? 1 

Patients that are undergoing treatment with the Exceed system should be sure to: discontinue anticoagulant therapy,  Aspirin or high does nonsteroidal anti – inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) for 14 days prior to treatment. If you have a  history of cold sores, please inform your Provider as you may need to be pretreated with an antiviral medication.  Discontinue topical retinoids or other skin irritants for a minimum of 3-5 days prior to treatment. Avoid prolonged sun  exposure and use SPF 30. 

What can I expect after treatment? 1-3 

Immediately post treatment, the localized pin-point bleeding should subside within 5-10 minutes of treatment. Pain or discomfort may occur with gradual cessation following the treatment. Transient mild to moderate erythema (redness)  and edema (swelling) can last for up to 6 days. Other inflammatory responses such as itching, warming, flaking or  peeling can occur and will typically subsides within 8 days of treatment.

What post care instructions should I follow? 1 

• Patients should be advised of the expected healing sequence and expected treatment side effects as detailed in the  User Manual’s Clinical Guide. 

• Immediately following treatment, cleanse the treated area with sterile NS and gauze. 

• Apply Provider’s choice of healing dressing to the treated areas as per standard medical procedure.  

• For the first week and until completely healed, cleanse the treatment area with Provider’s choice of gentle cleanser  and pat dry, do not rub. 

• Avoid wash cloths, harsh irritants, and scrubs until the treated area is completely healed.  

• Reapply healing dressing as needed throughout the day. The treated area should be kept as hydrated as possible for  one-week post treatment. 

• Avoid excessive sun exposure to the treatment area and gently pat in a sunblock of at least SPF 30 or higher at all  times for at least one month following the procedure. 

• Do not pick at the treated area. It is imperative to let the area heal on its own. If the area is picked at and further  interruption of the epidermal layer occurs, this can increase the risk of infection, PIH, and other post procedure  complications. 

• Patients should be advised to contact their Provider if they have any concerns about how their skin is responding to  the treatment or is healing. 

1. 510(k) K182407. 510(k) K180778. Data on file. Refer to the Exceed™ microneedling device User Manual for additional information. Individual healing times, discomfort, treatment results and satisfaction can vary. Please  discuss these as well as risks and benefits of this procedure with a qualified licensed healthcare professional to determine whether this procedure is appropriate for you. 2. Ablon G. J, Safety and Effectiveness of an  Automated Microneedling Device in Improving the Signs of Aging Skin. Clinical Aesthet Dermatol. 2018 Aug;11(8):29-34. 3. Freiherr von Dalwig-Nolda D., post-market clinical follow-up study for Microneedling Devices  “revive mn” and “revive”.